PLEASE NOTE: City Disciple Christian Church is a wholly owned subsidiary of Praxeis Hong Kong Limited, which is a Hong Kong registered charity and entitled to exemption under Section 88 of Hong Kong’s Inland Revenue Ordinance. A tax deduction is granted for donations made to “Praxeis Hong Kong Limited”. Shortly after you make your donation below (via Donorbox), you should receive your tax receipt by email from receipts@mail2.donorbox.org. If you don’t see it in your inbox or spam folder, then please email us at connect@citydisciple.com and we will make sure you get your tax receipt.
- 收款人/收款人:Praxeis Hong Kong Limited
- 銀行名稱:HSBC(香港上海匯豐銀行)
- 帳號:747-191526-838
- 銀行代號(如果需要):004
- 免稅捐贈:請立即將您的轉帳收據的螢幕截圖/副本以及您的個人聯絡資訊透過電子郵件發送至 connect@citydisciple.com。我們將向您發送免稅捐款收據。如果您希望這筆捐款用於特殊項目,請在郵件中註明是哪個項目,否則將轉入 Praxeis Hong Kong Limited 普通基金,以幫助門徒培訓。
- 寫劃線香港支票給“Praxeis Hong Kong Limited”
- 郵寄至:香港新界元朗洲頭村210號地下
- 如果您希望這筆捐款用於特殊項目,請註明是哪個項目,否則將轉入 Praxeis Hong Kong Limited 普通基金,以幫助門徒培訓。
- 寄給我們電子郵件至 connect@citydisciple.com ,我們會告訴您捐款給香港DMM的最佳方式。