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Prayer Highlights

1. Pray that God would light the fire for Chinese language DMM in Hong Kong!

2. Pray that God would pour out His anointing on the upcoming POP Street Outreaches. That they would be fruitful both to raise up new leaders in the practice of finding persons of peace, and that we will indeed find POP’s who would open up networks of Not-yet-Christians to begin new life with Jesus.

3. Pray for an ever growing Prayer Movement to sweep over Hong Kong.

Dear Praying Friends!

We are so excited about what the Lord has been doing recently! The Hong Kong delegation of leaders to the Thailand ‘24 DMM conference returned about two weeks ago and our hearts are so full for what God has planned for His ripe harvest here.

We are going to do this email in the reverse order that we would normally conduct one of our Discovery Bible Studies. We are going to first share with you some of the “Obedience Steps” that God impressed on our hearts during the conference, then give you a brief report of what we learned at Thailand 2024. As we share, please note as we highlight some monthly DMM meetups. It may be that God moves on your heart to attend one or more of these meetups as an “Obedience Step” on your own journey of disciple making with us here in Hong Kong.

OBEDIENCE STEP: Chinese Speakers’ DMM Planning and Prayer Meeting

As many of you know, our earnest prayer over the past years has been that God would spark such a fruitful Disciple Making Movement here in Hong Kong that we would see a total “Flip” of the current religious demographic, that we would go from a city of minority 10% Christian and majority 90% Not-yet-Christian to a strong majority 90% Christian. As the overwhelming majority of our city is primarily native Chinese speakers, it’s obvious that we would also need a “Flip” in the DMM team, leadership and demographic. We would not be making meaningful progress toward our goal until those pursuing DMM in Hong Kong reflected the actual population, with the great majority of leaders and disciples coming from the native Chinese speaking demographic.

We are so thrilled to have had a strong group of native Chinese speakers at the conference. And God laid the obedience step upon their hearts to begin a new monthly Chinese speaking Planning and Prayer Group to catalyze DMM in Hong Kong. (Of course most of Hong Kong is multilingual, but I don’t think I have to explain the benefit of pursuing Christ amongst a network of those whose first “heart” language is the same as yours.)

We know that there are many in the Hong Kong DMM network who regard Chinese as their mother tongue, their first language. We want to warmly encourage you to consider joining in on these meetings. Please invite your Chinese speaking friends as well.

Our dear friend, Brother Jubilee Lo, will be hosting the first monthly Chinese Speakers’ DMM “Planning and Prayer Meeting” this Friday, 27 September, 7:30-9:00 PM in Jordan, at Hub 8 (八福匯), Room #901. If you have any questions, feel free to WhatsApp Jubilee Lo at +852 9216 2521.


We were very inspired by Hong Kong’s very own Pastor Rey as he gave a presentation at the conference, highlighting how he is intentionally scheduling times to “hunt” for POP’s (persons of peace.) The fruit is obvious in his ministry. So, City Disciple will also start doing this as part of our monthly schedule as well.

Finding persons of peace is something that should become a lifestyle for everyone who seeks to multiply the fruit of disciple making. Sounds simple right? Find a POP, an “inside leader”, who will open up their network to hear the gospel and be discipled. Simple? Yes. Easy? Hmmm… What does it actually look like to seek out a person of peace? The POP Street Outreaches are intended to clearly model what it looks like. It will be a good “practice lab” for one of the first steps in DMM. And of course, we’re praying that lasting fruit will come out of this also–that we will find POP’s who will help us to reach into networks of Not-yet-Christians with the gospel.

We plan to do POP Street Outreach the 2nd Thursday of each month at 4 PM, and the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1pm. This will be held at different locations each time, as the Spirit leads. If there’s a place that you would like to reach out to, that the Lord has really put on your heart, please let us know. If you want to join us, please contact us, and we’ll let you know where the next outreach will be.

OBEDIENCE STEP: All Day and All Night Prayer Meetings

The final DMM supporting meetup that we want to highlight is not a new thing on the schedule, but something we have felt an urgent need to emphasize since day one. How could it be possible to over emphasize the need for prayer in DMM? Many have said it previously and we whole-heartedly agree: we will never have a Disciple Making Movement without also having a corresponding movement of multiplied prayer, both in quantity and quality. The All Day Prayer Meeting, normally held on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 10:30AM to 4PM, and the All Night Prayer Meeting, normally held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 10:30PM to 5:30AM, are an attempt to address this urgent need.

Jesus said His house was to be a house of prayer. We cannot attempt to cooperate in His Kingdom building effort if we ignore the blueprint of the Chief Architect. We warmly invite you to join with our team of prayer warriors as we cry out to God for the salvation of our city. You can message us and we will send you the location for the next meeting. Even better, help to multiply a movement of prayer in Hong Kong by starting a new prayer meeting. We would love to hear of your desire to do this and would be happy to support you with encouragement, a few helpful tips and lots of prayer.


As we said at the start of the email, we have shared with you some Obedience Steps that Holy Spirit pressed in on our hearts during the “Thailand 2024” DMM conference in Bangkok. It was such a joy to experience sweet fellowship with God and one another. We heard the good reports of what Jesus is doing in the fruitful harvest worldwide and we discovered together rich lessons, old and new, from God’s Word to strengthen our disciple making. Over 50 leaders from 15 different nations were in attendance. The Hong Kong Team was one of the largest teams with 14 representatives.

On Wednesday we took a short break from the normal conference schedule to do some sightseeing in Bangkok. What a treat to mix and fellowship with other DMM teams from around the world. Iron sharpens iron!

One of the great joys of this conference was that certain of our teammates could really have a chance to dedicate quality time to exploring the whole scope of DMM, something that can sometimes be difficult to do in busy Hong Kong. This was especially true of some of the wives on the team. And as already mentioned, what a joy for the Chinese speaking leaders to really get to soak into and absorb the whole vision of what God could do in the harvest in Hong Kong.

That’s all for now.

Blessings in Christ,
Mike and Alice Kitajima

PS Below is the schedule of upcoming meetings for the DMM network in Hong Kong which you can also find at (By the way, sorry to say, but our admin has had trouble getting the website indexed, so you might not yet see it if you search using Google. But you can type directly into your URL search bar. And we’ll let you know when the indexing problem is resolved.)

Please send us a message for locations and further details.

  • All Night Prayer Meeting from Tues 24 September 10:30pm till Wed 25 September 5:30am

  • CHINESE DMM (粵語): Planning and Prayer Meeting on Fri 27 September 7:30pm-9:00pm in Jordan, at Hub 8 (八福匯), Room #901

  • All Day Prayer Meeting on Wed 2 October 10:30am-4pm

  • POP Street Outreach on Tues 8 October 1pm

  • All Night Prayer Meeting on Tues 15 October 10:30pm till Wed 16 October 5:30am

  • POP Street Outreach on Thur 24 October 4pm

Normally, the all-day prayer meeting is the first Wednesday of the month, and the all-night prayer meeting is the third Tuesday of the month. And the POP Street Outreaches would be held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Thursday of the month. Sometimes however they get rescheduled due to things like public holidays, etc. Please refer to the website or send us a message if you are not sure.